Microscope PM Service and Repair


What we do. 

Clarity microscope provides quality microscope service and repair for laboratory and academic communities. We services all microscopes brands reliably.

Nikon, Olympus, Zeiss, Meiji, Leica

I am always present as your on-site technician. At the end of the microscope cleaning you will have a full list of all your microscopes stickered and documented in detail.  The list below is the basic workup we perform on all microscopes serviced.  If there is anything such as a scratch on the lens, loose stage gear, eyepiece won’t adjust, the problem is documented with a repair estimate. I also can piece together broken student microscopes to get a working one, and will do so free of charge.


 10 point inspection certificate for each microscope


  • Disinfect all outer parts for your students safety, including eyepieces
  • Disassembly of main microscope glass lenses (eyepieces, objectives, condenser)
  • Cleaning microscope body parts for rust and harmful bacteria removal
  • Lubrication of gears and mechanical readjustment as needed
  • Minor parts are included (washers and screws)
  • Optical Kohler and Fluorescent bulb realignment of light path perfection
  • Microscope QA sticker on every microscope serviced with a 1 year return date

Discount Bulbs for you:  https://www.bulbworks.com

Anthony DelleDonne, Ph.D., HTL (ASCP)  (Owner and On-Site Technician)

Centrally Located in Sebastian, Florida

EMAIL: info@clmicroscope.com

mobile : 772-404-4621       

TOLL FREE AND FAX:  1-800-971-3126